Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Spreading the love one burrito at a time

Happy Valentine's day loves!

Qdoba is spreading the love with #QdobaForAKiss and wants you and a loved one to eat free!

Today they are promoting a BOGO free entreƩ if you share a kiss with anyone (or anything) at the register. This can be your significant other, your mom, a friend, a stranger, a picture of your cat or even your own burrito.

Not only is Qdoba spreading the love amongst the in store crowd, but also to children in need! Wow, what a great way to give back.

For every picture shared on Instagram or Twitter with the hashtag #QdobaForAKiss, Qdoba is donating $1 to No Kid Hungry, a charity to help end child hunger in America. That has the potential to feed a lot of kids in need. So spread the love and share some kisses!

Grab a date and your camera, and go get yourself a free meal to end childhood hunger!!

Get smooching!


  1. Other companies have done this before (1/2 off for a kiss or hug or something) but this is the first time I've seen it done for charity in a restaurant! It's really smart they included the stipulation that you have to post something on social media, because they get free PR and who doesn't like helping children!

  2. This is such a great thing Qdoba did! Didn't cost them that much and they are giving back to charity. I think this is a great idea.

  3. I think that this was a great idea! I personally have never seen a promotion like this but it was a great way to give back to the community.

  4. This is such a cute idea!!! I love it. Such a cute way to give back to the community.

  5. I think this was a great idea on their part. It's a really nice thing to do for people while also bringing attention to their business. Overall I think it is a great idea and more businesses should follow.

  6. I love this! It is a creative way to get customers involved & give back to the community! I wish more businesses would follow in their footsteps!!

  7. Wow, what a great idea! While it probably increased in store traffic, whats really great is that it helped children in need! It's great that we can connect so many people through social media to make a difference.

  8. What a creative way to engage consumers. Hope more businesses take note of their efforts.

  9. This is such a creative strategy! I love how it gets consumers involved in the promotion and is also spreading such positivity. Also, he fact that they are donating part of their proceeds makes me want to support them even more!
